10 Year Anniversary

eingetragen: 12.10.2011

The company Endox celebrated, the 10-Year Anniversary with all employees.

Medtec 2012

eingetragen: 23.06.2011

 Visit us at the Medtec Europe 2012 in Stuttgart

from the 13.06.2012- 15.03.2012, Hall 3, Booth 3D63

Growth and Expansion of the Company Endox

eingetragen: 04.12.2010

The company Endox Feinwerktechnik GmbH founded a subsidiary in Poland.



A report from the DMG Magazine

eingetragen: 23.03.2010

Edition 3/2010


Innovation Award 2009 for the endox Dispenser

eingetragen: 07.12.2009
Country's trade minister of Baden-Württemberg and President of the Chamber of Reutlingen Joachim Möhrle has endox the dispenser as the best craft innovation.
For decision making were experts and consulted expert opinion from various universities.

Less than 22 submissions to the "Foundation of the Sparkasse Reutlingen" to promote innovative services of the Trade" on 29 selected September 2009, the prize committee and the ?????? Text fehlt
certificate for innovation Award 2009
by the


Response to the dispenser

eingetragen: 20.08.2009

The initial response to the
Original endox Dispenser:

The Farin Research in Tübingen
Congratulations to endox ingenious solution.